2021 Curtin Corner presentations

Note: JCIPP Curtin Corners are continuing online – if you are on our mailing list, please check your email for updates. To receive email invitations to JCIPP online events, please email JCIPP@curtin.edu.au with ‘subscribe’ in the subject line.

View the Curtin Corner Schedule Semester 2 2021

Getting Australian university research deployed in Industry – what needs to happen?

Mr Neil Kavanagh
Chief Scientist , Technology
Woodside Energy Ltd.
Friday 29 October 2021

People Seeking Asylum in the midst of COVID-19

Mr Salem Askari
Associate Professor Caroline Fleay
School of Media, Creative Arts & Social Inquiry
Curtin University
Friday 22 October 2021
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Biden’s First Year

Adjunct Professor Joseph M. Siracusa
School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry
Curtin University
Friday 15 October 2021

Family Business – Conflict and Dispute, Planning and Strategy

Dr Cathie Bowen
School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University
Friday 17 September 2021
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Maternity care in Australia during COVID-19: Challenges, silver linings and the way forward

Dr Zoe Bradfield
Department of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research
Curtin University
King Edward Memorial Hospital
Friday 10 September 2021
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COVID-19: Vulnerability, Variants and Vaccines

Professor Jaya Dantas
Dean International, Faculty of Health Sciences
Curtin University
Friday 3 September 2021
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Housing aspirations of older Australians

Dr Amity James
School of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Curtin University
Friday 27 August 2021
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Beyond the spin, glamour & deception: Why society needs public relations

Associate Professor Katharina Wolf
School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University
Friday 20 August 2021
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Possessions and happiness: economic materialism and bad psychology

Mr Michael Baldwin
School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University
Friday 13 August 2021
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Mass shootings and the media – 25 years since Port Arthur

Mr Glynn Greensmith
Department of Journalism
Curtin University
Friday 6 August 2021

Dealing with the Devil? The International Community and Myanmar Policy Dilemmas after the Military Coup

Associate Professor Htwe Htwe Thein, Curtin University
Associate Professor Michael Gillan, University of Western Australia
Friday 30 July 2021

Promoting Prime Ministerial Power: how Cabinet Manuals impact Westminster Governance

Dr Nicholas Barry, Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University
Dr Narelle Miragliotta, Senior Lecturer, Monash University
Dr Zim Nwokora, Senior Lecturer, Deakin University

Friday 18 June 2021

Beyond the Book: Libraries of the Future Are Here

Margaret Allen PSM
CEO and State Librarian
State Library of Western Australia

Friday 11 June 2021

Indonesia and Australia: The tyranny of closeness and why close neighbours don’t really know each other

Mr Ross Taylor AM
Indonesia Institute

Friday 28 May 2021

Flexible Work in Light of COVID-19

Associate Professor Kantha Dayaram
School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University

Friday 21 May 2021

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Compensation for victims and survivors of sexual assault in Western Australia

Professor Robert Guthrie
Criminal Injuries Assessor
Compensation for Victims of Crime
Adjunct Professor, JCIPP, Curtin University

Friday 14 May 2021

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Political extremism and the search for security

Dr Ben Rich
Discipline of History, International Relations, Sociology & Anthropology (HIRSA)

Friday 23 April 2021

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Has COVID-19 killed the Airbnb business model?

Dr Mingming Cheng
School of Management and Marketing
Curtin University

Friday 16 April 2021

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The governance and regulation of the Influencer industry

Associate Professor Crystal Abidin
Principal Research Fellow, ARC DECRA Fellow, Curtin University

Friday 26 March 2021

Talent on-demand” marketplaces – what do you need for a successful blended workforce strategy?

Dr Dorel Iosif
Managing Partner & CEO – Lavaux Global Board Director – Cognisium Pty Ltd

Friday 19 March 2021

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The WA State Election

Professor John Phillimore, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, Curtin University
Associate Professor Martin Drum, Politics and International Relations, The University of Notre Dame
Dr Kathryn Shine, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University

Friday 12 March 2021

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