Institutes, Centres and Clusters
Research in the Faculty of Business and Law is broken into a number of institutes, centres and individual research clusters, these include:
Institutes and Centres
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)

Curtin University is a research partner of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), a national independent research network with an expert not-for-profit research management company, AHURI Limited, at its centre. AHURI has a public good mission to deliver high quality research that influences policy development to improve the housing and urban environments of all Australians. Through active engagement, their work informs the policies and practices of governments and the housing and urban development industries, and stimulates debate in the broader Australian community.
Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC)

The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre is an independent economic and social research organisation located within the Curtin Business School at Curtin University. The Centre was established in 2012 through the generous support of Bankwest, a division of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The Centre’s core mission is to deliver high quality, accessible research that enhances our understanding of key economic and social issues that contribute to the wellbeing of West Australian families, businesses and communities.
Centre for Transformative Work Design (CTWD)

The Centre for Transformative Work Design (CTWD) is a research centre where passionate organisational psychology researchers and professionals work together to transform work under the direction of Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow, Professor Sharon K. Parker. The centre conducts high quality, independent and innovative research to understand the role of work design in generating healthy and productive work, and is committed to fostering the design of good work across all industries. A crucial element of the centre is their outreach Collaboratory, where they engage with workers, employers, managers, policy-makers and the community.
Future of Work Institute (FoWI)

The Future of Work Institute (FoWI) promotes productive and meaningful work as essential foundations of a healthy economy and society. FoWI’s researchers focus on how people contribute to and benefit from new knowledge and practices, and their mission is to support thriving people and organisations in the digital age.
John Curtin Institute of Public Policy (JCIPP)

The John Curtin Institute of Public Policy (JCIPP) was established by Curtin University of Technology in 2004 as an eminent body of public sector expertise through research, teaching and the generation of public discussion. The JCIPP is a peak body for research, education and discussion in public policy and administration. It represents a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing challenges in this area reflecting their complexity as well as the unique capacity of universities to play a key role in addressing them.
Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (Formerly NCSEHE)

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (previously Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education), the NCSEHE’s purpose is to inform public policy design and implementation, and institutional practice, in order to improve higher education participation and success for marginalised and disadvantaged people.
Labs and Clusters
Tourism Research Cluster (TRC)

The Tourism Research Cluster (TRC) increases Curtin’s tourism research capability by providing a framework for the skills, expertise and resources of researchers to be shared, increasing opportunities for collaboration and building on the strengths of Curtin’s well-established multidisciplinary approach to tourism research.
Navigating Inter-Cultural Experiences (NICE)

Navigating Inter-Cultural Experiences (NICE) is a platform that engages with academic researchers, industry practitioners and trade associations, not-for-profit and community organisations, government agencies and public policy makers.
Unheard Consumers Research Cluster

The Unheard Consumers Research Cluster comprises the Ageing Lifestyle Research and Lived Experience teams. The group is driven by the vision of well-spent Government funding and improved living standards for both the elderly and the disadvantaged. Through the collection of thorough qualitative research, the team collects untainted and unbiased data that is used to improve and increase experience scores across the board.
Social Media Research Lab (SMRL)

The Social Media Research Lab at Curtin University was established with the aim of empowering individuals, businesses, and wider society to address local, national and global challenges using social media. The lab works closely with a range of industry and government end-users to create and develop research-led and practical solutions to social and industrial problems.
Consumer Research Lab (CRL)

The Consumer Research Lab (CRL) specialises in the use of consumer biometrics and digital innovations to conduct consumer and market research. It provides businesses with an innovative, objective and scientific means to understand consumer behaviour through the use of eye tracking, brainwave, facial expression and other technologies. Compared to other traditional research methodology, these innovations may track consumers’ feelings, thoughts, and experience in a second-by-second and element-by-element manner.