Author guidelines

Editorship of Curtin Law and Taxation Review (CLTR)

The Editor-in-Chief for the CLTR is The Honourable Justice Tony Pagone QC. Professor Dale Pinto is the Associate and Academic Editor, and is supported by Donovan Castelyn (Editorial Lead) and Stephanie Bruce (Editorial Assistant). The Editor-in-Chief is assisted by members of the International Editorial Advisory Board.


The CLTR will publish articles of up to 10,000 words in length (maximum, including footnotes). There is no prescribed number of articles for each issue of the CLTR. All submissions should be made by email in double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. An Abstract of approximately up to 150 words should be submitted on a separate page. Submissions for publication are welcomed at any time during the year. All submissions and correspondence should be sent to:

Donovan Castelyn
Editorial Lead
Curtin Law and Taxation Review (CLTR)
Curtin Law School
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth, Western Australia 6845



All submissions to the CLTR are subject to a double blind peer review process conducted by appropriate specialists in the field.


Copyright in articles published in the CLTR remains with the author. The author will be asked to sign a Copyright Licence Agreement before an article can be published.


The CLTR has adopted the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition as its style guide for referencing and articles submitted for consideration in the CLTR should comply with this referencing system.

Images, Charts & Figures

The better the resolution, the better the printed end result will be. Images, charts and figures should be submitted as separate files either as .eps or similar files, or at high resolution (300 DPI) in commonly-used forms such as .pdf, .jpeg or .tiff.


If authors have used EndNote or similar referencing software, the field codes should not be live. For EndNote, use the ‘Remove field codes’ command.

Track Changes

Before submitting, remember to ‘accept’ all of the changes in the document that you (as the author) agree with during the review process.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

You can view the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement for the Curtin Law and Taxation Review (CLTR) here.