TrueVu – Blockchain In Tourism Industry
A Project for FAR Lane
Tourism and blockchain have the potential to become a powerful combination as the technology can bring safety and transparency to several critical touch points. The client wished to develop a Blockchain-based application that allows parties to raise and trade transact-able tokens that enable and incentivise consumer behaviours.
The app facilitates easy, traceable, and incorruptible government, corporate or charity expenditure in the economy. It provides simple, measurable, and customisable incentives for consumer spending and vendor participation.
HI-TRACK – Blockchain In Hemp Industry
A Project for HempGro
The Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Traceability platform HI-TRACK addresses the challenges faced by Hemp growers and regulators in Western Australia. HI-TRACK is an integrated traceability platform specifically built for the Hemp industry in Australia. We created a Web-based application to register and onboard farmers as well as stakeholders.
In addition to this, we also developed a Mobile application to input and view data at each stage of the crop from seed to off take process. The users simply scan the QR code to get complete traceability of the product.
Our Kinds – Blockchain In Coffee Industry
A Project for Our Kinds
We designed and programmed a dashboard to showcase the consolidated data that was entering the system because of cups scanned at the coffee shops. The blockchain stores the journey of a coffee cup in terms of places the cup has travelled (location) as well as how many times it was reused. This helps in calculating the overall carbon footprint of the business.
For this purpose, the team designed a webpage dashboard for the client that would show the aggregated coffee cup journeys for all the participating cafés and corporate clients. This solution could be further extended by the integration of blockchain technology to provide tamper-proof recording and reporting to meet UN SDG.
D&M – Blockchain In Waste Management
A Project for D&M
A mobile application, integrated with Blockchain was designed and developed to track and weigh the disposed PVC material at the client’s collection point as well as calculate the carbon offset of the entire process of recycling. The blockchain data records the proportion of virgin pipe materials mixed with the disposed pipes to produce recycled pipes and granules.
The solution gives the following insights: 1) Tracking carbon footprint through the recycling process. 2) Capture the weight and ratio of recycled vs virgin granules used in the production of recycled pipes. 3) The immutability of data to report on meeting the CSR targets.