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Books and book chapters

Fluid-rock interactions in tight gas reservoirs: Wettability, pore structural alteration, and associated multiphysics transport

In Developments in Petroleum Science (2023).
Siddiqui, M. A. Q., Khadri, S. O., Liu, Y., Roshan, H., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Sadooni, F., Sakhaee-Pour, A., Hussein, I. A.

Liesegang patterns interpreted as a chemo-hydromechanical instability

In International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials (2023)
Liu, C., Hu, M., Regenauer-Lieb, K.

Climate change: Does the IPCC model provide the foundation for a potential global technology assessment framework?

Technology assessment in globalised world
Ashworth, P., & Clarke, E. (2023).

Zero-waste: A new sustainability paradigm for addressing the global waste problem

The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy
Zaman, A. (2022).

“Psychic numbing” and the environment: Is this leading to unsustainable energy outcomes in Australia

Energy Democracies for Sustainable Futures
Ashworth, P. & Witt, K. (2022)

Integrated studio & systemic architectural design

Tardin-Coelho, R., & Racca, D. G. (Eds.).(2023).
Dual English and Portuguese