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Research areas

The climate crisis affects every facet of our lives, so we’re combatting it from every angle with our multidisciplinary research.

CIET is a multidisciplinary research institute and comprises Curtin researchers from backgrounds including engineering, earth sciences, humanities, economics, arts and design (and many more!) dedicated to bringing about the energy transition. Read more about our specific research areas below.

Technology and resources

Technology and resources

Technology and resources are key to a successful energy transition. Read more about how CIET is supporting the transition through tech and resources research.

People, culture and communities

People, culture and communities

We’re investigating the influence of identity, behaviour, culture and politics on the energy transition. Read about our research projects and discoveries.

Markets, law and governance

Markets, law and governance

We’re researching policy, law and market interventions to fast-track the energy transition and decarbonisation. Read more about our insights and findings.