Our Projects

Refining the age of Proterozoic sedimentary fills through U-Pb geochronology

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Gawler Craton, South Australia
  • Collaborator: BHP Exploration Adelaide

U-Pb dating of mafic rocks

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Madura Province, Western Australia
  • Collaborator: BHP Exploration Perth

Novel geochronology for regional mapping

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Western Australia
  • Collaborator: Geological Survey of Western Australia

Geochronology of the carbonatites in the Arunta region, Australia

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Arunta region
  • Collaborator: WA1 Resources

Isotope geology of the Makkovik Province

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Canada
  • Collaborator: Geological Survey of Newfoundland


Rethinking titanium deposits: new tools to securing global critical raw materials

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Ukraine
  • Collaborator: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Geochronology of carbonatites in central Australia

  • Year: 2024-2025
  • Study area: Arunta region
  • Collaborator: Encounter Resources

Understanding lithium enrichment in clays underneath bauxite ores

  • Year: 2024
  • Study area: China
  • Collaborator: CSIRO (Ruixue Wang) 

Controls on the severity of past environmental crises

  • Year: 2023-2026
  • Study area: Global
  • Collaborator: ARC DECRA

Geochronology of the Yeneena Basin, Paterson Orogen

  • Year: 2023-2025
  • Study area: Western Australia
  • Collaborator: CSIRO

Geochronology of Sn-W ore-related igneous rocks

  • Year: 2023-2024
  • Study area: Lachlan Orogen
  • Collaborator: Geological Survey of Victoria

Constraining the timing of mineralisation-inducing alteration in Superbasin sequences in eastern Australia

  • Year: 2022-2025
  • Study area: SE Northern Territory
  • Collaborator: Plutonic Limited

Tracking Cenozoic landscape and climate evolution

  • Year: 2022-2025
  • Study area: Nullarbor Plain and SW Australia aeolianite belt
  • Collaborator: Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Slovenia

Geochronology of world-class IOCG deposits

  • Year: 2022-2024
  • Study area: Carajás, Brazil
  • Collaborator: University of Sao Paulo

Geochronology of metamorphic and deformed terrains using novel techniques

  • Year: 2022-2024
  • Study area: Brazil
  • Collaborator: University of Sao Paulo, Geological Survey of Brazil

Geochronology of sedimentary-hosted Cu deposits

  • Year: 2022-2023
  • Study area: Paterson Orogen
  • Collaborator: IGO Limited


Lead isotopic mapping of Australia’s igneous basement

  • Year: 2021-2024
  • Study area: SE Australia
  • Collaborator: Geoscience Australia

South-west Yilgarn Project geochronology

  • Year: 2021–2024
  • Study area: SW Yilgarn
  • Collaborator: Anglo American

Novel tools for heavy mineral sand systems

  • Year: 2019–2024
  • Study area: Global
  • Collaborator: Iluka Resources