Seafood research at Curtin

Fish farm

Seafood research at Curtin seeks to build a critical mass of scientists and researchers, with support from national and international collaborators, to ensure that Australia is seen as a world leader in seafood research within the next five years.

We aim to provide an opportunity for scientists and researchers to conduct research that will directly service the research needs of the seafood industry.


To shape the future of Australia’s seafood industry in a local and international context and thus enhance the economic benefit to industry.


  • To strengthen and improve the research capacity
  • To facilitate research within the seafood industry to increase profitability


The primary aim of seafood research at Curtin is to conduct excellence in scientific research and translate research findings into applied and practical outcomes that will have direct benefit to the seafood industry and to the general community.


  • To investigate the relationship between science;
  • To improve the performance of seafood supply chains through science and innovation techniques;
  • To build seafood scientific research and development capacity;
  • To work directly with industry to ensure that the research conducted at Curtin has relevance to the industry.



Journal articles

Conference presentations

Research reports

Education and training resources

Books, theses, book chapters, websites, online courses



Past projects