Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) is a combination of microbial attachment and corrosion that accelerates deterioration and can lead to catastrophic failure of structures, costing billions of dollars a year. Chemical inhibition is often used to reduce the effects of MIC, however there is a need to develop safer and environmentally benign systems. A recent collaborative research project between Deakin University, Curtin University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel has been initiated to investigate the mechanisms of MIC (including biofilm formation) the behaviour of different bacteria and bacteria colonies on steel substrates in a marine environment as well as the design, synthesis and mechanistic characterisation of novel, dual active corrosion inhibitors. This project is multidisciplinary and will involve a team of researchers across chemistry, microbiology and materials engineering.
The PhD project at Curtin University will focus on studying the properties of complex, natural (multispecies) biofilms formed on steel surfaces in seawater and their relationship with corrosion and corrosion inhibition. It is expected that the student spend some time in the laboratories of collaborators at Deakin University and/or VUB in Brussels and there will opportunity to attend at least one international conference.
For further information, please contact Dr Laura Machuca Suarez.