
*13th AHMTC will be held in-person, and only the papers that are presented will be included in the proceeding


Presenters are required to submit an abstract of 200-300 words by the abstract due date. Abstracts are to be prepared using the templates provided here. The templates include for MS-Word or LaTeX but the final product should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the selected reviewers, and the notification of abstract acceptance will be emailed to corresponding authors according to the announced “important dates”.

Full Paper

Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit a full paper. The provided templates are adapted from the original versions supplied by our publishing partner, Springer Nature.


Templates have been provided for the presentation files in two MS-PowerPoint and LaTeX formats. However, these formats are not necessary to be followed and presenters may prepare their presentation in any appropriate style.

Submit Your Abstract

Abstract submission deadline has passed.

Submit Your Full paper

The EquinOS platform is used for full paper submissions. Corresponding authors of accepted abstracts will receive detailed instructions and must submit their papers through the conference page on EquinOS using the link provided below.