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Lauren Breen

Professor at Curtin University | Mental Health Researcher

Professional Area: Psychology

My research focuses on:

  • Understanding grief and loss experiences across the lifespan.
  • Improving palliative and end of-life care.
  • Developing interventions to support individuals and families experiencing grief and loss.
  • Promoting grief literacy in the community.

My research aims to:

  • offer innovations in theory, measurement, and methods that will underpin the development of a connected, compassionate, and caring society where the provision of quality support is a routine response to loss.

I work closely with:

  • Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
  • Australian Psychological Society
  • Lionheart Camps for Kids
  • Cancer Council WA
  • Relationships Australia WA
  • Palliative Care Australia
  • Palliative Care WA

Lauren’s Story

I am a psychologist and researcher specialising in grief and loss. I am passionate about translating research into practice and practice into research. My collaborative approach and extensive partnerships with stakeholders and end-users enable me to conduct research that address major challenges and needs. My research has led to several important discoveries about preparedness for death; the impact of end-of-life caregiving on grief, quality of life, and general health; how social factors influence grief expectations, expressions, public and self-stigma, and social support intentions; and the definition and illustration of grief literacy. Several organisations around the world have used my research to help support people experiencing grief and loss. I love having the opportunity to talk about my work with community groups, health professionals, and students. I have worked at Curtin Universe since 2011 and am a Program Lead in the Mental Health Domain.

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