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The SSTC is a major contributor to Australia’s space science output, with world-class capabilities in pure and applied planetary research.

Planetary Geology

Planetary Geology

The geological history of the planets, moons, asteroids and comets in the solar system, and how impacts have shaped their surfaces.

Solar System Evolution

Solar System Evolution

How dust and gas came together to form planets capable of supporting life, and how we can read that record in extra-terrestrial materials.

Earth in the Solar System

Earth in the Solar System

The origins of life on our planet, and how impacts have shaped its early history, punctuated the evolution of life, and continue to be a threat.

Artemis Science

Artemis Science

The Artemis Program is the largest space exploration project in history. Science is its foundation. SSTC researchers contribute to every element of Artemis science.

Applied Planetary Research

Applied Planetary Research

The Desert Fireball Network, or DFN, is an exemplar of how science can generate new knowledge which can be used in applied research to deliver specific solutions.



Our researchers have an excellent track record of publishing in leading international journals (Nature, Science) and making an impact in space science.