Curtin Extremism Research Network
An interdisciplinary lab group based in Perth, Western Australia focused on research and education around issues of cultural extremism and…
Additive Manufacturing Microfactory Facility
This facility is part of Curtin’s John de Laeter Centre, which houses advanced instrumentation for high-quality chemical, mineralogical and microstructural…
Focused Ion Beam Facility
This facility is part of Curtin’s John de Laeter Centre, which houses high spatial resolution of Time of Flight Secondary…
Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST)
CMST has earned a reputation as a high-quality marine technology research and development facility responsive to industry and government needs.
John de Laeter Centre
The John de Laeter Centre (JdLC) is a collaborative research venture involving Curtin University, The University of Western Australia, CSIRO and the…
Desert Fireball Network & Global Fireball Observatory
The Desert Fireball Network (DFN) is a distributed network of automated observatories for tracking meteorite fireballs, re-entering space debris, satellites…