Health psychology and behavioural medicine

The Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Group aims to examine the psychological factors that are associated with health-related behaviour and develop interventions that will promote health in the general population and populations with clinical or chronic conditions.

The group researches the link between psychology and health-related behaviour.
The group researches the link between psychology and health-related behaviour.

Anti-doping interventions in sport

This line of research examines the role of psychological factors in predicting the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport.

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Professor Nikos Ntoumanis

Professor Ntoumanis’ research focuses on promoting physical activity and less sedentary behaviour, weight management, reducing the use of performance/image enhancing drugs, basic research on theories of motivation, self-regulation, and goal striving.

Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi

Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi’s research focuses on the personal, social and contextual determinants of human performance and health behaviours.

Dr Eleanor Quested

Dr Eleanor Quested’s research focuses on the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating among sports fans and intervention implementation in motivation-focused physical activity interventions.

Physical activity promotion

A range of theories and methodologies are employed to understand and promote physical activity behaviour among a diverse range of populations, including community and clinical population groups.

We aim to understand and promote physical activity behaviour among a diverse range of populations.
We aim to understand and promote physical activity behaviour among a diverse range of populations.

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Professor Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani

Professor Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani’s research focuses on motivation and physical activity behaviours during key life transitions (retirement, older age, women undergoing the menopausal transition), interventions, motivation, well-being and the environment, body image and weight loss.

Professor Nikos Ntoumanis

Professor Ntoumanis’ research focuses on promoting physical activity and less sedentary behaviour, weight management, reducing the use of performance/image enhancing drugs, basic research on theories of motivation, self-regulation, and goal striving.

Dr Eleanor Quested

Dr Eleanor Quested’s research focuses on the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating among sports fans and intervention implementation in motivation-focused physical activity interventions.

Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi

Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi’s research focuses on the personal, social and contextual determinants of human performance and health behaviours.

Team resilience

The overarching aim of this project is to enhance understanding about: what team resilience looks and sounds like in the Australian Army, when and why it matters for Army personnel and how the Army can facilitate this critical team-level attribute.

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Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi

Associate Professor Daniel Gucciardi’s research focuses on the personal, social and contextual determinants of human performance and health behaviours.

Professor Nikos Ntoumanis

Professor Ntoumanis’ research focuses on promoting physical activity and less sedentary behaviour, weight management, reducing the use of performance/image enhancing drugs, basic research on theories of motivation, self-regulation, and goal striving.

Professor Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani

Professor Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani’s research focuses on motivation and physical activity behaviours during key life transitions (retirement, older age, women undergoing the menopausal transition), interventions, motivation, well-being and the environment, body image and weight loss.

Dr Eleanor Quested

Dr Eleanor Quested’s research focuses on the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating among sports fans and intervention implementation in motivation-focused physical activity interventions.

Physical activity, behaviour change and oncology

This program of research aims to better understand health behaviour change and promote physical activity and healthy living in cancer survivors.

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Dr Sarah Hardcastle

Dr Sarah Hardcastle’s research focuses on the application of motivational theories and strategies to change health behaviour, particularly in relation to physical activity and diet. The promotion of physical activity to prevent or manage chronic illness and cardiovascular disease in healthcare settings. Dr Hardcastle also has particular expertise in motivational interviewing for lifestyle change.