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Microphone with sound waves and AD logo

2024 Audio Description Symposium

The Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) is inviting participants to explore the policies and standards that have been developed and implemented for Audio Description (AD) in Australia.

Event details

The Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) would like to invite you to the 2024 Audio Description Symposium. This symposium brings together audio describers, academics, advocates, and members of the broader ‘AD community’ to discuss the policies and standards for AD in Australia, with an emphasis on how they have evolved, what international contexts have informed this and what the future of AD may look like. 

We’ll be joined by Polly Goodwin, Frances Mathey, Dr Karen Seeley, and many more…

Lunch will be provided. 

If you can’t make it in person, you can join us online. Please note a link to stream the event will be sent to you via email closer to the date. 

Call out for papers is now open!

CCAT is inviting participants to explore the policies and standards that have been developed and implemented for Audio Description (AD) in Australia, with an emphasis on how they have evolved, what international contexts have informed this and what the future of AD may look like.

We hope to capture the often unpublished histories, policies or approaches that have informed the practice of AD. We further encourage participants to reflect on the different ways AD has been developed across multiple medias and industries – from live AD in theatre productions, to AD on television, to the more recent inclusion of AD in the gaming industry. While our focus is on the Australian, we invite participants to also reflect on international examples and the ways in which these have, or may in the future, informed the practice of AD in Australia.

Presenters are invited to attend in person or via Zoom.

Who should apply?
We welcome proposals from anyone from the broad ‘AD industry’ – from professional audio describers, accessibility experts, members of the blind and low vision community and arts organisation representatives. We further extend the invitation to researchers and academics working in the field of audio description and accessibility studies.

Session formats and presentation guidelines
Our symposium will be divided into two core sessions – past and present/future. Each session will comprise of approximately three speakers, each delivering their paper for a maximum of 15 minutes, allowing for an extra five minutes of questions/answers with the audience.

For further questions regarding presentations, please contact the convenors at

What do you need to apply?
Please submit an abstract of your paper by 1 September 2024 and include the following:

  • Your name and affiliation
  • Your contact details
  • The title of your paper
  • Proposed paper abstract (approximately 200 words)
  • A brief biography

To apply, please read the instructions and submit your proposal to

The abstract submission deadline is 1 September 2024.
