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eDNA Frontiers

Picturesque view of the Australian outback, with large red natural rock structures, trees and water

eDNA Frontiers

eDNA Frontiers applies innovative environmental DNA techniques to explore a vast array of biodiversity, helping to catalogue and protect ecosystems and the species within them.

Applications of eDNA exist across multiple fields including the oil/gas sector, environmental impact assessment, fisheries assessment, port monitoring and shipping. eDNA frontiers has extensive research collaboration experience and continues to rapidly expand with a number of clients and partners in Australia and abroad.

eDNA Frontiers workflow process map

Analysis of eDNA allows us to sensitively audit environmental samples using all organism’s unique signatures contained within the eDNA.

A technique known as metabarcoding and next generation sequencing (NGS) is used which when matched against globally updated databases of all life of earth, a wealth of information is delivered for studies of biodiversity, food web dynamics, diet analysis, rare or difficult to visualise species ID and invasive species monitoring.

DNA is ubiquitous in the environment and this property can be utilised for a variety of applications. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a term that encompasses all of the DNA extracted from complex multi-species biological substrates such as water, biofoul, sediment or faecal material.

Testing environmental samples for the presence of DNA, removes the need to observe, collect and identify organisms, and instead provides a rapid and simultaneous assessment of entire communities across taxonomic groups from an environmental sample.

eDNA frontiers has deep expertise and unique methodology in isolating and characterising environmental DNA to address a variety of biological questions.


Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

Learn more about how eDNA profiling can contribute to an increased understanding of the biodiversity present on and around subsea jackets and benefit the oil and gas industry.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Concerned about the aftereffects of human action or natural events? Check out how eDNA can be collected and utilised to determine if loss of species biodiversity has occurred at impacted sites.

Conservation & Biodiversity

Conservation & Biodiversity

Find out more about how eDNA can contribute to ongoing conservation efforts without the need to morphologically identify individual organisms or disturb the environment.

Port Monitoring & Shipping

Port Monitoring & Shipping

eDNA can provide an alternative way to search for invasive species in ports, ballast or on the hull of a ship, discover more here.

Have a service query?

For further information or general enquiries, contact the eDNA Frontiers team.