Curtin ranked among the top 25 young universities in the world

Curtin University has been ranked among the world’s top 25 young universities in the inaugural Nature Index 2019 Young Universities rankings.
The ranking, which measures the world’s best universities under 50 years of age in the natural sciences, positions Curtin University at 23rd in the world and first of the nine Australian institutions featured.
Curtin University Vice Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry said Curtin continues to prove its place as a leading young university on the world stage.
“With campuses in Western Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Mauritius, Curtin University is committed to delivering a world-class learning experience and producing quality research that makes a real difference and I am delighted the University continues to receive global recognition,” Professor Terry said.
“This latest result ranks Curtin among the top 25 young universities in the world and Australia’s best young university, cementing its position as a truly global institution.”
The Nature Index Young Universities rankings, which are based on academic research performance, also placed Curtin University 4th globally and first nationally in Earth and environmental sciences.
“Curtin University is particularly proud of its achievement in this ranking, given the Nature Index looks to celebrate universities that have strong interdisciplinary cultures, promote creative thinking, and provide leadership opportunities for young and mid-career researchers,” Professor Terry said.
Curtin University has also been recognised in the latest US News and World Report’s Best Global Universities Rankings, soaring 44 places to sit at 190th in the world.
The annual ranking, which considers the University’s academic research performance and global research reputation, also shows Curtin placed ninth in Australia for the second consecutive year.
“This is a particularly exciting result for Curtin when you consider the ranking measures global academic research performance and has a 25 per cent reputational survey component,” Professor Terry said.
For more information about the Nature Index 2019 Young Universities visit here and for US News Best Global Universities Ranking 2020, visit here.