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eResearch is broadly defined as research that involves the use of significant computing, data, communication, visualization, analytics or online collaboration. This page provides an overview of eResearch tools, resources, and services available to Curtin researchers.

Altmetric Explorer

The Altmetric Explorer is a digital database that enables users to monitor and report on the online activity of the research outputs of individual Curtin researchers, research groups or schools. Users can generate customisable reports and alerts on the engagement specific research and researchers generate in social media, emedia, patents and policy documents.

Contact: Library Research Support


Cloudstor is a super-fast file sharing and cloud storage system designed for researchers. As an AARNet-connected institution, Curtin can offer each of its researchers access to one terabyte of free storage. Cloudstor is not appropriate for sharing and storing confidential or sensitive information.

Contact: Cloudstor

Commercialisation team

The Commercialisation team works closely with Curtin researchers to assess the commercial viability of their novel concepts and inventions, and the best method of bringing them to market.

Contact: Commercialisations

Curtin Institute for Data Science

The Curtin Institute for Data Science (CIDS) was established to meet the increasing demand for computational modelling, data analytics and visualisation. The CIDS initiates and fosters collaborative, interdisciplinary research and education programs with researchers. The CIC computational specialists assist in applying computational methods across all of Curtin’s research disciplines to provide innovative solutions to complex problems.

Contact: Curtin Institute for Data Science

Curtin Library databases

Curtin Library databases include collections and indexes of journal articles and other content across all research subjects, providing either full-text or citation information. The databases are accessible to all Curtin staff and students.

Contact: Library Help

Curtin Research Data Collection

Curtin researchers can publish their data to the Curtin Research Data Collection, managed by the Curtin University Library, which helps them to comply with publisher and funder data-sharing policies, and improve research impact and reach.

Contact us: Research data


Elements is Curtin’s publication management system. It automatically harvests researchers’ online publications for ARC reporting purposes and feeds them into researchers’ profiles. It collects publications from various online data sources and also allows for manual entry. Publications in Elements may be displayed in Curtin researchers’ profiles.

Contact: ROC Relationships

Graduate Research Advanced Skills Program

The Graduate Research Advanced Skills Program (GRASP) helps higher degree by research students develop transferable skills in critical thinking, reading, researching and writing. The program offers students access to online resources and the chance to attend workshops, seminars and writing groups.

Contact: Library Research Support