Staff Profile: Cathie Bowen

How long have you worked at Curtin?
10 years – first at Muresk and more recently 5 years on Bentley Campus.

Where did you work prior to starting at the University?
Secondary education and TAFE systems.

What do you like best about your role?
I like the ongoing mental stimulation; the challenge and reward of constant learning; I like the students, their courteousness and genuine desire to learn, and willingness to respond to guidance and advice.

Why did you choose your current career path?
I’m over-qualified for regional WA – where I live…. I can’t get a satisfying, challenging, rewarding  job that uses my skills, experience and knowledge.

First job?
Kimberley Cattle Station as a Governess and mustering cattle.

Worst job?
Data collecting for Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).  They had the worst possible data collection  programme – nearly did my head in and even though we were collecting data from my own region in the wheatbelt, I had to stay in motels – wasn’t allowed to go home to the farm each night  (technically)!

What project are you currently working on and what does it involve?
Developing / marketing / chasing funds for  an Innovative agricultural project that value-adds to an existing  farm product.  I want it to become an export product – then I can employ myself on the farm!

Your favourite place in the world and why?
Peaceful Bay – on southern coast.  Why – I think I must have lived In the ocean in a previous life, I love the underwater world as much as the above water world.  Salt, sea, sad and surf …provides a solution to many ailments:  “soak in salt water – add a good book and dry in sun”!  Plus its not too far from good winerys.

Your favourite cuisine and why?
I love all foods from every part of the world, but it’s always hard to beat a perfect Lamb Roast …with crispy roast veg and a good shiraz…. and cooked by someone else!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
…to understand ‘time’.  It came from my undergraduate studies of classical literature – especially poetry.  I think I can safely claim that I haven’t wasted a minute since  ……  one crowded hour …and all that!!

Tell us something about yourself that your colleagues wouldn’t know…
My favourite pearl earrings were bought from prize money won from riding a wild steer in a Kimberley rodeo years ago when I was younger, fitter and determined that I wouldn’t get thrown!