Western Australian Group for Evidence Informed Healthcare Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence
The Western Australian Group for Evidence Informed Healthcare Practice (WAGEIHP) was established in 1997 and is a JBI Centre of Excellence. Located in the Curtin School of Nursing, we undertake a range of practice oriented research activities to improve clinical practice and healthcare outcomes in line with the JBI Model for Evidence Based Health Care.

About us
Our core business is synthesising evidence for use by clinicians and/or consumers. Evidence formats include systematic reviews and evidence summaries with subsequent recommendations for practice.
Topics for the systematic reviews and evidence summaries are guided by clinicians to ensure relevance to practice and enhance the implementation of the evidence into clinical practice (knowledge translation).
Systematic reviews
WAGEIHP conducts and publishes systematic reviews. Systematic reviews encompass systematic literature searches, critical appraisal of the research, data extraction and subsequent synthesis of the data to answer a clinical question. Systematic reviews can be of qualitative and/or quantitative studies and WAGEIHP core members have particular expertise in reviews of qualitative studies.
Core members who have undergone systematic review training work with clinicians, students and academics at all stages through to publication to ensure a systematic, rigorous process. Many of our more recent published systematic reviews can be found in the journal JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports.
Our aims
In collaboration with clinicians, researchers and students, we aim to:
- conduct systematic reviews and develop evidence summaries
- participate in the dissemination and implementation of best practice and evaluate the impact on clinical practice
- contribute to cost effective health care through the promotion of evidence informed practice.
We are one of over 85 Collaborating Entities across 40+ countries throughout the world. WAGEIHP also partners with Royal Perth Hospital, Perth Children’s Hospital and Wounds Australia.